Friday, February 6, 2009

Will the real groom please stand up

A bride-to-be called to make a change to her wedding
register. It is common, almost expected, that a bride will
change something on her registry at least one (dish
pattern, color of towels, etc.) The Customer Service
Representative told her that J.C. Penny would be happy to
make the change.

She asked if the bride wanted to change the dishes or the
linens. The bride said. "No, keep all that." She just wanted
to change the name of the groom.

For more Friday Funnies see Kim over at Homesteaders.


  1. Oh man! OUCH! LOL. Wouldn't you like to be the person on the other end of that phone call! I wouldn't know whether to laugh or feel bad! LOL.
    Thanks for sharing my friend.

  2. Too funny! Nothing like a last minute change of fiances!

  3. Hehehe!! Thanks for that!! Have a great weekend!!

  4. I'm not sure why I'm laughing! But that is just too cute! Diane

  5. Wow. that is funny. Thanks for the laugh. -Laurie

  6. Please forgive me for pasting the same comment in every blog I'm visiting tonight. For some unknown computer/internet-related reason, I couldn't get to ANY blogs earlier and now I'm WAY short on time.

    If I'm leaving you a comment, I loved your Friday Funnies. Thanks ever so for making our hearts merry! I'll do better next time. 8-}

    Have a JESUS-filled day! ^i^

  7. Ha Ha!

    Thanks for visiting me this week for Thankful Thursday!
