This day started off delicious. Writting my sensual Saturday post got me going.I had the night all to myself, so I endulged myself. Had a wonderful night sleep. Woke up this morning still desiring more. I gave myself another round of fantastic loving. .I had no plans for the day, and as Julia Roberts said, "I was flying by the seat of my pants."I decided to go to IHOP for breakfast. I ordered ham and eggs with hash browns and twoblue berry pancakes. I took my time enjoying each bite..I came back home to Larry eating lunch in the living room. I wanted the day to myself.No plans, me and peace..I called Bonnie, keeping in close contact since her husband died. We talked for almost two hours.She is mad at him for leaving her..Called Cathy, she was not a home..I read for the rest of the afternoon..Why am I having such a time of being alone today?.My desires of this week.
Book my flight to NY
Pay bills
Talk to Autumn as much as I can
complete all my homework from the class I start Monday night
Grateful for
the good report we received from Mothers doctor
good conversation with my sister Debra
Mark, installing my TV in my bedroom
My Job
this board
Mama Gena